Here are few steps teenage moms can take that will most likely help to cope with the unwanted pregnancy.

1) First and foremost, mend your relationship with God. Entrust to Him every decisions you are going to make with your life and your baby. Give your full attention to your baby, as much as possible do not engage yourself with another relationship. Take time to realize the mistake once you have made and learn from it.

2) Of course, tell your parents about your pregnancy. It is normal that you will absolutely be reprimanded for what happened to you. Your parents may have felt and blamed themselves that they are failed in growing you up. They will surely be upset and disappointed but parents do accept child's mistakes no matter what happen because your parents are the only people who can understand you whether you are right or wrong.

3) Show appreciation. Your parents and relatives and friends are the only people you can count to at this stage of your life. In particular, your parents will be the one to arrange your medical care stuff and they will help you take care of your baby after it is born. Thanking them verbally may just be enough to show them they are appreciated with their loving deeds towards you.

4) Study and learn parenting skills. For sure, you do not want to cling always with your family. Hence start learning and study the parenting skills to be needed by your baby after he is born and at the same time taking care of the household. This task is very challenging so take time to learn and develop those skills you will need in the future. 

5) Operate money wisely. The coming out of a baby will certainly result in extensive financial demands in a family. At the very least, you may avail yourself of some public aid for which you meet the requirements. Sometimes, teenage moms are mostly depending on their parents financially. And if your situation is like this, it would be better that you’d be wise and understanding on your part to cut costs for example; instead of new dresses for the baby, you may buy some affordable items that are sold out at secondhand stores or yard sales either.

6) Pursue your studies. It is wiser that single mothers will continue their study after the baby is born. Though studying at this moment is difficult on the other hand, a lack of learning at school may possibly attack your life together with the child to a miserable life of poverty; welfare dependence, low incomes, poor housing, or worst yet is malnutrition. So if you can still make it, go back to school and pursue some course that you may use as well with regard to growing up your kid very well.
You can make use of some educational opportunities, if going to regular classes would be difficult, you can find some study at home programs. This can help you prove practical for your situation.

Always be positive in life and spend time for your child, guide him as he grows up and become a good mom to him. Though, you may not be a perfect mom, at least you tried to be almost perfect.

(This is a continuation of Dealing Early Motherhood)


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