Having comfortable jobs and easy jobs may perhaps the first thing that we are considering upon applying for a job. But when we are in such economic crises, well I guess no matter how stressful that job would be, we might take it for good in order to provide our family's needs.

However, as if we do not like the exact job offered to you and then you are most probably hired for either urgent employment or you have shown an extra points to your possible employer--or you have this work experiences that attracts him.

But prior to that, now you have the job--so what else are you looking for? Would you still go on for the one you are longing which you cannot reach for the moment? Now, here's the tip. Considering you have the job already, first thing you should do is that, learn to love your job.

For you to learn how to love your job, study the industry you are indulged with. Read about everything that might help you to familiarize the terms use in and out of your office. Search through the internet or ask your friends that have worked with the same industry.

Next thing you ought to consider is find your colleagues as your friends to help you gather information about the job you are in.

And then, of course do all your job designations and come to work early to impress your boss. Making your boss impressed doesn't mean to be very closed to your employer. This is just the way how you catch his attention and trust, guaranteeing him that you will become an asset and a good employee.

You should always put in your mind to have a gap from your employer. You can always talk to him all about job-related but never with some corny jokes and do not count him as your 'casual friends'. This relationship must be different from friendship. Put yourself in your employer's shoes---do you think you like your employees to be that close to you just like your common friends? Well, I guess you might not like it.


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